Transformational Resilience Programming

TRP is one of the components under the USAID Strategic Partnership Program. It seeks to transform the resilience programming landscape of Kenya by facilitating frameworks for coordinating and mobilizing investments from the government, development partners, the public and private sectors, and other key stakeholders. It aims to adopt a focused strategies of improving livelihoods in Arid and Semi-arid areas.


Facilitating Institutional
Capacity Building

TRP plays a role in facilitating national, county, and community-level institutions to take charge of their resilience programs, aiming to build local capacity for mitigating future disasters through investments in institutional strengthening at different levels and through strategic and transformational private sector-led investments that expand economic opportunities in vulnerable communities.

Institutional capacity building

Facilitate institutional capacity development of national, county, and community-level organizations to develop and coordinate resilience programming. 

Knowledge management

This will focus on developing several innovative technologies that will manage various data sets on resilience.  

Grants and funds management

Facilitate a grant mechanism for locally-led innovative and sustainable resilience programs  and activities to enable local actors to compete for resources while requiring their contributions as part of a co-investment arrangement through a co-creation and co-investment approach. 

Framework Supported by TRP

  • Shock Responsive Safety Net System

  • Ending Drought Emergencies Common Programming Framework (EDE CPF 2.0)

  • SDARD Strategic Plan

  • EDMP

  • Post Drought Disaster Impact Assessment

  • COG Portal

  • Resilience Investment Tracker

We are in 12 ASAL counties in Kenya